© 2014 mrsfabian

All Souls Best and Brightest: Freedom

Block 4

What was Ma’s purpose for taking in and fixing up these men? -Kailee

Would this story be the same if Dave MacDonald wasn’t abusive or uncaring? -Tyree

When Michael says, “For my family, freedom had become the rule above all others. But now I knew, having felt the locked up pain of Mass mental, that for Davey, these days were gone.” Should people like Davey have the same amount of freedom as Michael? -Aidan

Does Ma approve of Kevin’s stealing?-Ervin

Why does Ma send all the other guys away (besides King) as soon as they could potentially start making them money?- Skyla

Block 2

Is the freedom Ma gives her children good for them?- Sergio L.

Does Michael really remember all of this or is he making it up? -Victor

Is ma really a strong person?- Demetrio

Whose fault was it that Patrick died?- Allison

Is Ma teaching her kids to be good people? -Allison

(Yes. I picked her twice. Master Geek Status.)

Block 6

What caused Davey to be put in the mental hospital in the first place? -John

Is Ma smart for bringing Michael to the hospital? -Mauricio

Is Davey crazy?- Tatiana

Why would Ma bring Michael to the mental hospital? -Stephanie

Is Ma a bad mother? -Anibal

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