© 2014 mrsfabian

All Souls Best and Brightest

Block 4

Why was it so hard to make friends in Southie before? Why is it so easy to make friends in Southie now? -Deanna

What’s the pattern of characterization that Michael has introduced? What is he trying to say? -Angelica

Can forced busing be compared to a trojan horse? What war is being fought? -Tyree

Why were the Southie rebel groups being compared to the rebel groups over in Ireland? – Skyla

Who’s the real enemy? -Ervin

6th Block

Why do the white’s from Southie put others down? -Mauricio

Is Frankie Racist?- Micah

Is the mom being a good role model by beating Coley up?- Micah (Yes, AGAIN. That’s a Ninja Geek.)

What are the consequences of kids dropping out of school? -Stephanie

Was it a good idea for Michael to have gone looking for his brother? -Jose P.

Block 2

Why did the police beat the teenagers when they caught them? -Sergio L.

Why is Michael enjoying the protests so much?- Jacky M.

Are the black and white people on the same level now?- Ashley

Will Southie be this close when this all goes away?- Kenny

Does Michael feel safe living in Southie? -Yesica



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