© 2014 mrsfabian

Punctuation Checklist

images (1)Periods

check for run on sentences


Are used to separate two short and related sentences

both sides of the semicolon have a complete sentence

Ex: I used to love him; I still think that we could have been married.


Introductory commas are used after introductory phrases.

In the meantime, he stuffed the guns into the bag.

Parenthetical commas are used when a certain part of a sentence is extra information; either side of the paired commas must contain a complete sentence without the middle information

Ex: I’ll meet you at the mall, in front of Sharper Image, at 8 PM.

Sequential commas separate a sequence or continuing list of more than two items; a comma is used before the last conjunction when using three or more items

Ex: My dog is known for farting, sleeping, and stealing.

If a conjunction  (ex: and, or, but) is used in the middle of a sentence, and either side of the sentence is complete, then there is a comma before the conjunction.

Ex: I love to eat tacos, and I love to drink margaritas. (full sentence)

Vs: I love to eat tacos and fries.(not a full sentence)


Introduce a list or continue information.

Ex: I ask that the students do the following: finish the sub packet and respect the sub.

Ex: I like one kind of pizza: pepperoni.


Tell the reader that the next piece of information is something you are emotional about.

Ex: My husband spends Valentine’s Day in the same place every year- the bar!

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