© 2013 mrsfabian

Final Week Requirements


Our transformation is almost complete! You are nearly seniors… Good Lord.

Please post here a link to your allegory (make sure under sharing you have it on public) AND three explicit links to your allegory.

Due before class on Tuesday: Watch Alive in Joburg and decide on the director’s essential issue for District 9. Then, for your own allegory do your internet research. Post your links below. Post 1. An overview of the issue.  State whether your source is credible and biased or credible and unbiased. 2.) A video regarding your issue. State whether your source is credible and biased or credible and unbiased. and 3.) an organization that is working towards your call to action.

In class on Tuesday we will complete character chart, rising action plot map, and merged Characterization/Rising Action Chart.

In class on Wednesday we will look at says does analysis of 50 Harvard Essays.

Due Wednesday midnight: Final coached personal narrative for college.

In class on Thursday you will have a work period for your political allegories.

In class on Friday: share personal narratives or allegories in process. Print if you intend to share. (voluntary) Eat?

Due Friday midnight: Final coached political allegory.

Political Allegory Paper Rubric:






Student analyzed subtext thoughtfully for pre-work.

Handed in complete


Graphic Organizer

Handed in complete 3 column movie notes for Monsters and District 9 and Monsters

Handed in complete 3 column movie notes for Monsters and District 9 and Monsters and Monsters Graphic Organizer

Completed 3 column movie notes for Monsters and District 9 and Monsters and Monsters Graphic Organizer and

performed Subtext Script

Student organized Allegory paper around a single compelling call to action. that is evident through subtext but explicitly hyper linked for the reader.


completed and posted links on blog.

Student completed

Rising action Plot Map

Student completed Rising action Plot Map and student

completed and posted links on blog


Rising action Plot Map and student

completed and posted links on blog and call to action is evident as subtext in final product.

Pivotal scenes are hyperlinked back to the “real” story or call for action.

Student weighed characterization of a main character and how that characterization influences subtext and call to action.

Student completed

characterization map.

Student completed characterization map, and merged characterization rising action



is evident both directly and indirectly in final product.

Characterization furthers both subtext and call to action.

Google Doc Coaching is effective.

Document was


Coaching gives positives and places for growth.

Coaching gives positives and places for growth and asks questions that encourage writer depth, reflection, and growth.

Coaching gives positives and places for growth, asks questions encouraging writer depth, reflection, growth. Document has anchored examples for teaching- to another document or website.


Allegory Activism Unit Rubric





Political Allegory

and Researching a Cause

Student completed and posted allegory on public setting.

Student posted allegory and one other link, no vetting.

Student posted allegory and all three links, no vetting.

Student posted all three links and the allegory with vetting on the blog.



and Lesson of

District 9

Student did not formulate a strong point for their allegory and/or a clear personality trait to characterize.

Student did not participate in class discussion at all. Student completed

rising action plot chart.

Student participated n District 9 discussions and completed rising action and characterization charts.

Collaborated in class discussion., formulated a strong point for their allegory, and completed all three charts including merged chart.



Monsters 3 column subtext

notes turned in.

Monsters organizer submitted.

Script performed demonstrating subtext.

All Monsters work in plus script.

The Allegory


Student did not collaborate in Google Docs OR student did not complete the peer edit and did not utilize feedback received in a writer’s conference OR student never submitted a final copy.

Student did not participate in one side of the coaching process OR Student does not have a running record of edits and collaboration with a partner in Google Docs, although editing took place.

Student utilized feedback received in coaching. Student completed a final polished copy that represented strong effort by the deadline.

Student has an involved running record of edits and collaboration with their partner in Google Docs. Polished copy meets objective of being  an allegory with a clear call to action through subtext.

Characterization/Rising Action Map: https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1sNV8r_07YEvwYSmNKaWFh_CPjSxsu69lmZOkIk8Anbo/edit

Make Your Own Plot Diagram Exemplar:http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-otUVrRYUvtI/TkN3fJ5Si0I/AAAAAAAACeo/euY7JvuelwU/s1600/plot%25252525252525252Bdiagram.jpg

Make Your Own Character Chart Exemplar: http://www.ccsd.k12.ny.us/mrfisher/Do%20Nows/characterization%20chart.JPG

Example of a Call to Action Video Link: (Genocide via impoverished conditions in Zimbabwe): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuvZdq4Tc4k

Example of a Call to Action  overview link: http://www.genocidewatch.org/zimbabwe.html

Example of a Call to Action Organization:http://www.zimdiaspora.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=9158:genocide-in-zimbabwe&catid=97:opinion&Itemid=344


Alive in Joburg: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=le3y0QlLjJE


  1. charlespaizante
    Posted June 11, 2013 at 12:32 AM | #

    So i just watched the video. Wow it is far different from the actual motion picture, “district 9”. But the message is the same. The core is the same. The believe that main issue would be the Following: Racial segregation 2. How New comers are socially and racially viewed as negative and then pushed away (Outcasts). I think we wanted to also show how the Partide is similar to the movie. Some resemblance.

    Post 1. An overview of the issue—-> https://www.childwelfare.gov/pubs/usermanuals/neglect/chapterthree.cfm

    State whether your source is credible and biased or credible and unbiased—-> UNBIASED & CREDIBLE.

    2.) A video regarding your issue—->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-30qt2xXlU


    3.) an organization that is working towards your call to action—>


  2. amandabanks
    Posted June 11, 2013 at 1:47 PM | #
  3. hannahlunetta
    Posted June 11, 2013 at 1:58 PM | #
  4. benjaminlara
    Posted June 13, 2013 at 2:34 PM | #
  5. sebastianlondono
    Posted June 14, 2013 at 3:49 AM | #
  6. daniellediperri
    Posted June 14, 2013 at 4:14 AM | #
  7. stephanierizzo
    Posted June 14, 2013 at 9:14 PM | #
  8. aletorres
    Posted June 14, 2013 at 9:50 PM | #
  9. kaylahobrien
    Posted June 15, 2013 at 12:02 AM | #
  10. annarodriguez
    Posted June 15, 2013 at 2:46 AM | #

    Allegory: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ws4AGGthbzbYB7KRlNSv7TAhT85lWb4OKEzd7MZPDzU/edit?usp=sharing

    Organization: http://preventioninstitute.org/tools/focus-area-tools/communities-taking-action-profiles-of-health-equity.html?gclid=CLjHxeOE5bcCFVOi4AodjEMAfg

    This website for the organization is credible and unbiased. Has great intentions to stop gang violence as well.

    Overview: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xy0k2h_a-video-without-audio-shows-a-gang-initiation-ritual-involving-a-regina-teen_news#.UbvU5Nj17-Q

    Also credible. I used a video for the overview as well because it shows exactly the initiation process my allegory covers.

    Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83fN8uXI3Ks

  11. annarodriguez
    Posted June 15, 2013 at 2:49 AM | #

    Allegory: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ws4AGGthbzbYB7KRlNSv7TAhT85lWb4OKEzd7MZPDzU/edit?usp=sharing

    Organization: http://preventioninstitute.org/tools/focus-area-tools/communities-taking-action-profiles-of-health-equity.html?gclid=CLjHxeOE5bcCFVOi4AodjEMAfg

    This website for the organization is credible and unbiased. Has great intentions to stop gang violence as well.

    Overview: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xy0k2h_a-video-without-audio-shows-a-gang-initiation-ritual-involving-a-regina-teen_news#.UbvU5Nj17-Q

    Also credible. I used a video for the overview as well because it shows exactly the initiation process my allegory covers.

    Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83fN8uXI3Ks

  12. renatapinto
    Posted June 15, 2013 at 3:52 AM | #

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